Hmmm...mmmmmm.Beckham. I need to be careful because my husband could read this but ladies I know you know what I mean. I ponder that. Is it wrong for me to find men attractive. I love my husband and he is such a cutie, and I would never stray. I just think it is sometimes nice to look especially if you aren't going to ever get to touch. But I am sure he would understand if I ever did. You know like if Brad Pitt came up to me and said, "I'd love to kiss you." I think my husband would tell me to go for it. I think I would be understanding if he had the same thing happen.
Before I was married I couldn't even look at Brad Pitt I would get all happy. Now that I am married that doesn't happen anymore. Maybe because sex gets old. Not thats its old, thats not the right word. I still enjoy it from time to time, its just not the same. Maybe its the fact that I have had four kids in the last seven years and my hormones are crazy. I wish for my husbands sake they would get crazy in a good way. Maybe I should look a little more.
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