So I have now entered potty training for the fourth and hopefully last time. Let me tell you it sucks and it sucks bad. I have never really had an easy potty trainer and I am left wondering two things. Either God has forsaken me or those others are all lying. We are in to day 5. Day 5 and we have had 3 accidents and zero pees on the potty. we have however spent a good 2 hours on the potty. Yes as a mom of four all under the age of 8 I have somehow managed to find an extra 2-4 hours a day to sit in the bathroom reading stories and trying to coax pee out of an almost 3 year old. I am at the end of my rope. I have done well staying very positive encouraging even attempts but this last attempt not so much. In fact I almost put him in diapers and I actually threw the trainers on the floor and told him to put them on. I did help him because I felt bad. Its just too much for one person to handle at least this person. I am calling out for God's help, this is just so beyond me. If some day even if its not today you are reading this pray for me. Yes it seams silly but even your prayers may help in this insignificant thing that seems like such a huge deal right now. ANd thats just it at least one day at Kayde's wedding I will tell of how he took sooooooo long to potty train and hope that he has the same difficulties with his son.:) In this thing though I will have no advice. I will tell them not to talk to me about potty training, leave 'em in diapers, call me when you are done, I don't want any part of this!!!!!!!
Man if I were rich I would pay someone to do this for me.
If I accomplish this it will definitely be something to be proud of: 4 kids potty trained, 8 years of changing diapers, most often changing two at a time. (Here come the tears.)