Well today I'm going to start the Love Dare book by Kendrick. Why? Because Jai has been doing it for a while and I haven't really noticed him doing it. Maybe it would be better if he did it daily I'm not sure. I am kind of at a hard place in our relationship. It just always feels like so much work, the friendship isn't there after all these years. Everything he does just seems to tick me off. I just don't feel like he has gotten to know me at all after all these years. I'm not the best at this marriage thing either because I haven't changed either. I'm still selfish and sometimes mean. I have a lot of changing to go.
Jeremiah 17:9"The heart is more deceitful than all else." This is key learning to follow my brain rather than my heart. Making decisions according to the wisdom God has granted me instead of how I feel.
Day 1 Love Is Patient
-"humble and gentle", so not me
responding positively to an negative situation
slow to anger
internal calm during an external storm
anger almost never makes things better
patience is a deep breat
So the dare today is basically not to say anything negative to Jai. Do the dares continue or do I just work on today? This is a hard one for me, really. I am negative.
Lord help me be positive and encouraging to Jason though my mind and body will fight it.
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