Saturday, March 22, 2008

So my husband and I are trying to become a two vehicle family. We are saddened at the necessity of it but having four kids does that to you. I need a new van by September. Otherwise my schedule will be absolutely insanely busy. I guess I could make my hubby walk too and from work each day. He would do that for me. But the other problem is our brand new car looks like a garbage dump. It has a black interior and who knew that would show each crumb, each speck of dirt. Maybe someone will win the lottery and buy us a new van, a new used van. Thats about as likely as someone buying us a new house. Jai does have quite a few relatives who could keal over any time now and leave him quite enough for one of those events to take place. It will be all my relatives who go first because none of them have pot to pee in. SO I will just pray that I will find a cheap van and continue to check craigslist each day. Thank goodness I don't pay for internet!

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