Thursday, April 3, 2008

I was just reading Galatians 5 and thinking about the fruits of the spirit. I have now been a christian officially half my life. I should possess most of them. Love? To those in my family yes I am loving. Although at times my husband would disagree. Joy? I struggle with finding joy. Life gets me down. Peace? I worry constantly, I pray for peace constantly. Kindness? I am kind most of the time. Goodness? I think I am good to everyone but my husband. Faithfulness? I am faithful, Gentleness? Again depends on whom you ask. Patience? Ask Jai if I am very patient when he was late yesterday for the hundredth time. Self-control? I can be sometimes.
As I typed that I realized again what marriage does to me. It brings out all my flaws, the very worst in me. Last night I was telling my Jai how upset I was that he had been late yet again. We were arguing and I just felt like I just didn't want to be married anymore like it was too difficult. Then today as he was at work all day I missed him so much. God has so much to do in me. I am like a little kid, I have so much growing to do. Marriage is great for that. Its like a giant piece of sand paper smoothing away all our rough spots.
I am thankful that the Lord gave me Jai. I pray we will get to enjoy each other until we are 100! Well I hope I don't live that long.

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