Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Last night I watched the Spice Girls special. It made me want some of that fame. I just finished Rosie's "Celebrity Detox", I shouldn't want fame in any way. Its not really that I want to be famous, its just that at certain times of the day I would like the money that goes along with the fame. Thats normal right? Just to be able to go out there and buy whatever I want or whatever my kids want. I think there is also some people I would like to meet. I would like to Bono, Oprah, Rosie O'Donnell, Tom Cruise well maybe I did before I was married. Not just to meet but just because I have honest to goodness questions I would like to ask them. What makes them do the things they do? Who inspires them? What motivates them? Not Tom Cruise I just wanted him to fall madly and deeply in love with me. Now I have my hubby for that.
Does anyone else think its pretty sad when celebrities whine about their non privacy issues? I just laugh because I really can't believe that after wanting fame, the wealth all those things they could really whine about that. That is what its all about baby. Give back your millions and we will give you some privacy. Anyway I just think they get so damn spoiled.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Well today was the coldest soccer game I have ever been to. My poor son freezing cold running his little heart out. I love that boy. Other than freezing my butt off life is good. I need some sun but all is good. I am very happy because a lot of people are coming to Vancouver for Christmas and we will get to see a lot of friends. I hate Christmas so this really makes up for it.
SO anyway here is a question. The other day I was at Starbucks and this girl walked by with her skirt tucked into her undies, should I have told her? My husband and I had a bit of a chuckle but she realized soon enough. I think I was glad it didn't happen to me. I had a friend who actually walked around the mall for a couple of hours once, no one told her. Who else laughs when they see a woman's dress hanging out their car door? I always laugh, does that make me a bad person? Probably but the amount of embarrassing things that have happened to me makes up for it. Here is my top 10 embarrassing things that have happened to me.
10-Tripping up the stairs in my wedding dress.
9-Peeing my pants at camp when I was 19.
8-Always having chocolate all over my face anytime I eat chocolate.
7-Driving by my crush's house as a teen and always, always getting caught!
6-Having some weird hormone induced crush on my ob/gyn and then having to go to go back to him.
5-Knocking my urine sample of the side of the sink and it going everywhere.
4-Getting stuck in my pants at work, the zipper broke.
3-Every time I try and cook my in-laws dinner, it never works out.
2-My son peeing his pants in the middle of the dentist office, creating quite a nice pool.
1-My 3 year old daughter standing in the bathroom at Ikea and asking very loudly, "When am I going to grow a penis?"
SO anyway here is a question. The other day I was at Starbucks and this girl walked by with her skirt tucked into her undies, should I have told her? My husband and I had a bit of a chuckle but she realized soon enough. I think I was glad it didn't happen to me. I had a friend who actually walked around the mall for a couple of hours once, no one told her. Who else laughs when they see a woman's dress hanging out their car door? I always laugh, does that make me a bad person? Probably but the amount of embarrassing things that have happened to me makes up for it. Here is my top 10 embarrassing things that have happened to me.
10-Tripping up the stairs in my wedding dress.
9-Peeing my pants at camp when I was 19.
8-Always having chocolate all over my face anytime I eat chocolate.
7-Driving by my crush's house as a teen and always, always getting caught!
6-Having some weird hormone induced crush on my ob/gyn and then having to go to go back to him.
5-Knocking my urine sample of the side of the sink and it going everywhere.
4-Getting stuck in my pants at work, the zipper broke.
3-Every time I try and cook my in-laws dinner, it never works out.
2-My son peeing his pants in the middle of the dentist office, creating quite a nice pool.
1-My 3 year old daughter standing in the bathroom at Ikea and asking very loudly, "When am I going to grow a penis?"
Friday, December 7, 2007

I love my four kids, I do. I have just started homeschooling. I need to find resources. My kids are loving it, I am not. Not because of my kids though. I am actually part of a distributed learning program. They go to school one day a week and are at home the other four days. Its good but I also have someone who grades them to make sure I am teaching them the right stuff, fulfilling the IDPs. Its good because it keeps me on track but its bad because as a first timer at this it is so stressful. I am so worried if I am doing the right thing. It takes me about 2-2 and a half hours a day. That doesn't seem very long to me. I am always second guessing myself. I have to remind myself that it doesn't matter. both my kids could probably go into the next grade already and be fine. Plus I have always been more interested in happy well adjusted kids than smart ones. I need to trust in this. They are beautiful little people and I need to be thankful that I get to spend more time with them everyday. especially my sweet pea Elliott. She is always so quiet I was missing out on so much of her life. Now I get to sit down with her all morning and watch her learn. She is absolutely a genius. I love my babies.
Friday, November 30, 2007
I am sick. I hate being sick. When you are a mom of four and homeschooling what do you do when your husband has to go to work. Well yesterday I also babysat my friends children. SO I am sick and I add more excitement to my overly busy schedule. What will my husband do if I ever get really sick? Oh well I am sure I will be better tomorrow, in time to clean up after the children with their bouts of the flu.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I wish I could point a whole lot of people out to this rant that I am about to make. I am so sick of people whining and complaining. I have been a christian for 16 years, now as long as I wasn't one. It has not been easy, always challenging. Its not the loving Christ part though, its the following Him constantly challenging myself to go deeper. People do not get that. If they read the Bible does it ever say "this will be the easiest relationship of your life." No just like marriage its work, hard work. I think the people who give up on Christ are the same peole who will eventually give up on their marriages. Marriage and our relationship with Christ are beautiful symbols of one another. My favorite Bible verse lately has been Matthew 22"And you will be hated by all on account of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved." When Christ says endured it doesn't sound like a walk in the park. Most of my friends I have grown up with have left the church, I can some what understand this. The church is riddled with problems, sin and they are as human as us. But my sentiment is quit whining about it and do something. "Oh the church is always making me feel so guilty so I am going to not follow Christ anymore." I say STUPID. To me I don't know if you ever wre a follower because you just don't understand the point. A wise man once told me "Christ is not concerned whether we are happy or not, He is concerned about whether we are becoming more like Him." At first I was very upset now as an older wiser person I know that is true. I pray that God would work in the hearts of all these half hearted people. What we need is a church full of passionate people, people who want to serve the Lord with all of themselves. When I pray for my kids that is what I pray, that their only goal in life will be to truly serve God with their whole hearts. So to all those lame ass people I say "SUCK IT UP."
Monday, November 19, 2007

So my poor baby almost died today. My little 2 year old fell in a ditch. Not just a ditch but one that was up to his armpits full of water. We were at horse lessons for his older brother. I had put the horse in the wrong stable so I left him outside the car while I walked the 100 meters over to tell the teacher. All of a sudden a lady started screaming and I see my other son jumping out of the car. Luckily Kayde was just standing there crying. I am so thankful he didn't go in head first. It reminds me that they are God's special gift and I need to be thankful for each day with them. I just feel so guilty and stupid. I alway make these bad decisions when I am stressed and too busy.
We are switching our kids over to homeschooling half time. I think its a good decision but I am so busy trying to get it going. Its going to take me time to get into the groove but when I do it will be better. I guess until then I just shouldn't leave the house, I just can't trust myself.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Well we have a new baby in the family. Its my husband's sister had a little girl. I wish I could spell her name. Its pronounced sears sha. Its spelled like sioursia. Did her parents even think about that one. My daughters name is Elliott. When we named her we took a census of all the elliotts of the world and how it was spelled. Double L double T seemed to be the most common. Does anyone spell it right? Can you imagine the poor child. I have a prediction she is either going to go by her second name: Kathleen or she is going to be known as simply "baby" . How is baby doing today? Can you bring baby over? I can't even imagine how many times the mother is both going to have to repeat the name and also spell it. It serves he right. As soon as the child is old enough she will change it. There is actually a study out there that follows kids with odd names and how often they get bullied and even later in life how unsuccessful they are. Does that put pressure on a parent or what? I guess the name is super popular in Ireland so thats where they get it. Jai's sister has this weird thing for Ireland. She is irish but so are a lot of people. I am suprised she didn't marry some red headed irish fellow. Anyway the baby is beautiful so maybe that will carry her through.
Did you ever notice that when two beautiful people have a baby it is ugggers. But when two just average or unattractive people get together they have beautiful, beautiful babies. It is wierd how the world works that way. What do you do when you see an ugly baby? I hate it, I always get a lost for words and say "oh he/she is so cute." Eecks then you can't take it back. Its hard to believe but there really are some ugly babies out there. Our friends had one but luckily he grew up to be a little doll
Did you ever notice that when two beautiful people have a baby it is ugggers. But when two just average or unattractive people get together they have beautiful, beautiful babies. It is wierd how the world works that way. What do you do when you see an ugly baby? I hate it, I always get a lost for words and say "oh he/she is so cute." Eecks then you can't take it back. Its hard to believe but there really are some ugly babies out there. Our friends had one but luckily he grew up to be a little doll
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Hmmm...mmmmmm.Beckham. I need to be careful because my husband could read this but ladies I know you know what I mean. I ponder that. Is it wrong for me to find men attractive. I love my husband and he is such a cutie, and I would never stray. I just think it is sometimes nice to look especially if you aren't going to ever get to touch. But I am sure he would understand if I ever did. You know like if Brad Pitt came up to me and said, "I'd love to kiss you." I think my husband would tell me to go for it. I think I would be understanding if he had the same thing happen.
Before I was married I couldn't even look at Brad Pitt I would get all happy. Now that I am married that doesn't happen anymore. Maybe because sex gets old. Not thats its old, thats not the right word. I still enjoy it from time to time, its just not the same. Maybe its the fact that I have had four kids in the last seven years and my hormones are crazy. I wish for my husbands sake they would get crazy in a good way. Maybe I should look a little more.
Monday, November 5, 2007

Well its been an exciting week. Ryle lost his soccer game. My poor boy he was in net and he let two goals in. Not one of his better days. He was freezing cold, wet and his little brother had broken his glasses. I felt so bad for him. Then my baby Kayde turned 2. We had a big party for him. It turned out better than can be expected but it was mostly attended by my husbands family. They really don't like me so thats always an experience. In my seven years of having kids I have not asked any of them to babysit for various reasons. Anyway my four year old had horse lessons today in which I have to lead the horse, so I asked if anyone could come watch and look after my little one for 1/2 hour. No one said anything. Now I could understand if my kids were awful but guess what? They aren't, especially for other people. Plus he is quite content to just sit in his stroller and watch the "horsies". Oh well I am sure others have the same problems with their in-laws.
The best part of my week has been the fact that Starbuck's eggnog latte has come. Though I am not a Christmas fan I do love the lattes. Joy of joys.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Ever tried taking Christmas photos of a 7, 6, 4 and 2 year old? It was interesting to say the least. The funny part is that our 2 year old was the one who was most patient. Most of the pictures my eldest son has this totally bored expression on his face. And of course Noam our ever happy four year old added so much to the photos. I have gotten a lot of great single shots of them but to have them all in a group just doesn't happen. Oh well it isn't supposed to look perfect anyway. We will have memories of the how interesting it was. Why do I send christmas cards anyway? I actually hate christmas but every year my hubby and I sit down and write out our 50 cards. Actually this year I was thinking of sending out Halloween cards or maybe I should send out Valentine's cards. I am just so sick of christmas already. I know thanksgiving because really now there is a reason to celebrate. I am so thankful for the four beautiful gifts God has given me. I am so blessed. Well I actually have a fifth because I have a husband more wonderful than any. Honestly he is great. He loves me and some days I just don't know how that is possible. He is my best friend and I love him.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Well today my son had his most exciting soccer game. It is so fun to watch him. Their standings are 5-1-1. I feel bad because I enjoy him winning but at the same time this is his first team. Shouldn't he be loosing? I think he would probably learn more from loosing. Plus he thinks soccer is so fun right now but what if he was loosing would he think soccer was so much fun? I am very proud of him. He passes when the other kids are all about the glory. I think he is going to make an amazing player. I have dreams of him playing in the olympics. Probably not but I will always be by his side cheering him on.
Ry is my eldest. He was also my smallest baby. He was our only little peanut born at 6 pounds 5 ounces. He was the cutest baby. Really he was. Every day I took him out everyone would stop me, I mean actually turn around come and find me and tell me just how cute he was. I can remember looking at him at the hospital thinking he is the cutest baby I have ever seen. Now I will be honest I didn't feel that about the others although they were cute. Strangers would come to me and want to hold him. He can still make me feel that, but he can also make me feel the opposite. The whining, the hitting his brothers, and the screeching. I have to remind myself that he is loud because I am loud. I should really carry a picture of my little peanut in my back pocket and pull it out at the hard times. I think I would be a much better mother.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
This is my first ever blog. Well if you could call Facebook blogging than technically that was my first blog. I have 9 minutes exactly to do this because Survivor is coming on. Does that make me lame? Hey I have four kids I am allowed to be lame. I don't feel lame though. It interests me to no end to see how relationships develop. And why the hell does everyone forget its a game so quickly? They are totally taken aback when someone does something evil. Its a game moron, a game for a million dollars. I was very sad a couple of seasons back when Terry lost. He was like the ultimate Survivor player but sadly he didn't win.
This is my favorite time of day when all the kids are in bed. You can look at their beautiful faces and remember why you love them so much. There is no more yelling or timeouts just peacefulness. I guess I am blessed though because a lot of my friends don't have kids in bed at this time and are still yelling at them. I tell them they need to see the Supernanny.
Most days I do feel like I am playing Survivor with my kids. Are they going to vote me off? Probably one day when they are teenagers but for now I get to stay in the game. I really hope I win the million dollars.
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